about us


Established in 1986, Pocono Motion Body Shop has consistently made Customer Satisfaction our HIGHEST PRIORITY. We are committed to offering you unsurpassed auto body service during everything from simple repairs to more complex collision repair. Owner Richard Banks is almost always on site to handle your intake. If he is out on a call, you will be welcomed by one of our certified mechanics.

Over the past 35+ years, we have grown to become one of the most trusted, reputable auto body repair shops in the area. We are proud of our reputation and thank our past and current customers for their years of service and their kind referrals. Don’t take our word for it, read what our customers have said about us on our TESTIMONIALS page.

We strive to ensure that our customers have a positive experience throughout the collision repair process in the hopes that they will gladly refer their family and friends to our shop with good faith. From handling your estimate, to securing you a rental car and working with your insurance company, to the final painting, you are in good hands.

The proper repair of auto body and collision damage is essential to the safety and performance of your vehicle. Each vehicle is repaired to factory specifications using only the highest quality equipment, parts, and materials. Whether it’s a simple dent repair or your car needs more complex body work, restoration or alignment, you can rest assured that Pocono Motion Body Shop is your trusted source to get the job done right

Rich Banks Pocono Motion Body Shop Stroudsburg PA

Rich Banks


PA Appraiser License #239499

In The News

Jan 2023 - Parts problems: Supply chain affecting auto repair shops

Car repair businesses are forced to be creative when it comes to fixing your vehicle. Spare parts have become hard to find.

Oct 2021 - Catalytic converter thefts in Monroe County

The Monroe County District Attorney's Office, local police, and state police are investigating thefts of catalytic converters throughout Monroe County.

Feb 2021 - Auto body shops cash in on winter weather

Snowy roads can lead to crashes and there have been plenty of those in the Poconos within the last week.

Oct 2018 - Deer Rut is Here, Car Collisions More Likely

Experts say this is the most dangerous time of year for car crashes involving deer. That’s because the deer rut, or mating season, has started.

Mar 2018 - Axalta Wins Market Leadership Award for Global Refinish Products

Axalta Coating Systems received the Frost & Sullivan 2017 Market Leadership Award for the automotive refinish coatings industry, which recognized the company’s refinish brands Cromax®, Spies Hecker® and Standox® as best-in-class globally.

The industry-recognized Platinum™ designation is given to collision repair professionals who achieve and maintain high levels of role-relevant training that contributes to complete, safe, and quality repairs. Training to Platinum keeps professionals current on vehicle technology, improves their job performance and assists with their career development

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